Sunday, January 22, 2012

Practice makes perfect

It's a new year and I want to eat more at home which means I need to be more confident in my cooking.

If you know me you know I'm not a cook. I have been trying to cook more over the last year and feel more confident, but nowhere near where I want to host a dinner party. Most of what I make I will eat, but not something others would really care for. I want to be able to at least cook one meal a week that I can share with my wonderful fiance that he will enjoy as well, so here I go...

I decided to start really cooking this year. I'm trying recipes as I find them, plus I have a whole shelf of cookbooks, some that haven't even been unwrapped as sad as that is.

Since I am moving next month for January I will be cooking recipes with food/spices I already have or recipes I only have to pick up one or two things to complete.

I will post recipes and how they turned out as I cook them.

See you soon.